Friday, February 1, 2013

Mandatory password change 'Guild Wars 2'

The players that you may be 'Guild Wars 2' you will be tired of looking at the relevant title Launcher ArenaNet's message "You may consider changing the pass of your own." For surely it is time for you to do, at least from next week.

All Guild Wars 2 gold players who have not changed your password since September 2012 should do in a few days, from February 7. According to comments made ​​ArenaNet post in the blog:

When changing the password, the system will not allow you to choose your old password or any password you've seen have been tested against any existing account or nonexistent. So, after changing the password, you can be sure that your new password is unique in Guild Wars 2. However, the password will remain only as long as they do not use it for other games and websites, so please, if you value the security of your account, use your password solely for Guild Wars 2.

Will introduce mandatory password change gradually, so you may not prompted change yours the same day, February 7. However, now is a good time to choose a new password and unique.

So you know, if you will not lose your characters and be exposed to not visit anymore Tyria, thinking id password.

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