Friday, February 15, 2013

Guild Wars 2 - ArenaNet Unveils New PvP Map "Spirit Awake" before

With the next chapter of "Frost and Flame" event series ArenaNet will present in late February, a new PvP map in Guild Wars 2. Tyler Bearce now grants in a recent blog entry a brief glimpse of what to expect at the "Spirit Awake" card - the short trailer also gives you equal to the necessary images.

Awakened Spirit: This framed by steep cliffs, inspired by the Norn map await shrines to honor the spirits of the wilderness and a new secondary objective.

The card combines our established system of conquest with the captivating flag conquest system - but here the players are not fighting for a flag but the glowing orb of the climb! Opportunities abound to provide vertical clearance in the form of ever-raging battles on bridges, valleys and cliffs. Also for brawls there is enough opportunity if the Guild Wars 2 gold players make their way to the center in order to gain control of the ball.

How it works: At the beginning of each battle, the ball of the rise appears at an altar, located in the center of the map. To take the ball to himself, the player must successfully withstand a very short period of dialogue. If he has the ball, he would take them to one of three capture points which present themselves to him as the shrines of the Wolf, the Raven and the Bear in the surrounding cliffs. As long as he carries the ball, the GW2 gold player has indeed still have access to all his skills, however, suffers from a 40%-penalty movement that reduces the movement speed and can make neither camouflage nor haste advantage. If he teleports or struck, he drops the ball.

If the ball of the rise is taken to a shrine of the conquest points when the spirit of the wilderness, this shrine is dedicated to, and brings your team immediately bonus points.

If your team controls the capture point, it gets 30 points, if not, it wins 15th The ball is placed on the other hand to an enemy capture point, it neutralizes it in addition to your scored bonus points! 10 seconds for the ball reappears at the altar.

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