Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Guild Wars 2: Flame & Frost Storm Gathering update coming today

 Flame & Frost - The Storm Gathering today marks the release of new content in Guild Wars 2. This new vision has two advantages: one is the PVP add the matching system, and the other is joined to a guild quest system.

  The most notable in the new content is the guild task system, the system will offer a lot of challenge task for the same guild players, that not only can enhance teamwork but also get a lot of good reward, and makes the Guild Wars 2 gold game association have more significance.

  The PVP also have some changes, such as the original pay championship will be canceled, the game will be formally introduced the qualifying system to distinguish between leisure players and core players, each of the Guild Wars 2 gold players in there will be able to combat with his strength close opponents, in addition to the new version also joined a new PVP map.

  The daily tasks have improved in this version which a lot of players feel dissatisfied with. Daily quests will have more change, and GW2 gold players will not feel bored.

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Guild Wars 2 released plot strategy, players can modify the main process

With the "fire & frost: preview" on-line, the Guild Wars 2 ushered in the very first living story.

"Living Story" strategy will instill new vitality to the game, a series of story line construction in the continuous development of the game world basis, and bring new characters, plot and dramatic moment. GW2 gold players have the opportunity to participate in history, & permanent adjust the Tyria. "Fire and frost: preview" is just the beginning, the player will be a volunteer to help refugees refugees in the future, and little by little into more long new story development process. This process is distinct from large events or get away activities, it has its own achievement system.

Additionally, the official also realise in the password of user list, from February seven began players are obliged to use reset the new password log in, and that as a way to shield the safety of the account.

Read more facts about acquire Guild Wars 2 gold, pls pay more attention to our news.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Guild Wars 2 - ArenaNet Unveils New PvP Map "Spirit Awake" before

With the next chapter of "Frost and Flame" event series ArenaNet will present in late February, a new PvP map in Guild Wars 2. Tyler Bearce now grants in a recent blog entry a brief glimpse of what to expect at the "Spirit Awake" card - the short trailer also gives you equal to the necessary images.

Awakened Spirit: This framed by steep cliffs, inspired by the Norn map await shrines to honor the spirits of the wilderness and a new secondary objective.

The card combines our established system of conquest with the captivating flag conquest system - but here the players are not fighting for a flag but the glowing orb of the climb! Opportunities abound to provide vertical clearance in the form of ever-raging battles on bridges, valleys and cliffs. Also for brawls there is enough opportunity if the Guild Wars 2 gold players make their way to the center in order to gain control of the ball.

How it works: At the beginning of each battle, the ball of the rise appears at an altar, located in the center of the map. To take the ball to himself, the player must successfully withstand a very short period of dialogue. If he has the ball, he would take them to one of three capture points which present themselves to him as the shrines of the Wolf, the Raven and the Bear in the surrounding cliffs. As long as he carries the ball, the GW2 gold player has indeed still have access to all his skills, however, suffers from a 40%-penalty movement that reduces the movement speed and can make neither camouflage nor haste advantage. If he teleports or struck, he drops the ball.

If the ball of the rise is taken to a shrine of the conquest points when the spirit of the wilderness, this shrine is dedicated to, and brings your team immediately bonus points.

If your team controls the capture point, it gets 30 points, if not, it wins 15th The ball is placed on the other hand to an enemy capture point, it neutralizes it in addition to your scored bonus points! 10 seconds for the ball reappears at the altar.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hacked account? Prevention and fixing

I wrote this guide for people who are having concerns with a suspected hacked account & for individuals that wish to prevent their accounts from being hacked. I propose you read the overall subject so you will study how you'll be in a position to do everything you could do in order to shield your own, individual account.

Stopping Measures
First of all, let me start by saying more than 95% of the players out there are using the same name, e-mail address and password for each and every gw2 gold game they play, and for each & every forum they register on. That, to express the least, is not intelligent, not wise at all. Let me give you an example of why this isn't intelligent & why the first n00b can "hack" your account like this.

On these forums i.e., you have registered your account. You had to enter a username, an e-mail address along with a password. All this info is stored into a MySQL Database, to which I have full access to. Sure, the passwords are first encrypted before they're being stored, although for me it would be easy to "crack" those encrypted passwords. I am not going to clarify why or how, just that I've enough experience to say that it is readily doable.

Now, what I could do for instance, is especially simple. I could "crack" your password, & use your e-mail address & password to login to Guild Wars 2. Ta-daa! & that's it. I did not hack anything, I simply used the stored encrypted hash from the database, converted it to an authentic password, & tested it out. & it's that simple in fact. If a hacker would gain access to my MySQL database, he or she would be in a position to do the extremely same factor. So there are plenty of methods that an individual could get a hold of your private password.

Unique E-Mail Address and Password
The rather first thing you need to do in order for your account to be secure and secure, is to make a new e-mail address & make use of a distinctive password for that e-mail account. Be wise, do not register a hotmail account, that is also easy to gain access to for a n00b, once he has a bit of info about you. And, for your Guild Wars 2 gold Account, use a unique password aswell.

When picking out your password, please do not use something like "ilikecookies". Use something that is harder to guess, and harder to crack. Something like "12qW3E$r5T". That is a lot harder to crack than the "ilikecookies" password. Also, it is tough to keep in mind for yourself, which could cause troubles. I've a similar password to the one I just used as an example. I type a sequence on my keyboard which I keep in mind. I do not bear in mind the actual password. A different inividual gave me a tip aswell, what you can also do, is utilizing a lengthy password, with many uppercase things, although which is easy to keep in mind, something like this:

"Fluffy GreenApples ILoveMyKids!". This really is harder to crack but less difficult to keep in mind.

To check if your password is safe, please click on the following link:

How safe is my password?

These uncomplicated items will make a massive difference in security for your account. A considerable amount of potential "hacking attempts" will be eliminated should you use one of a kind and safe, challenging to guess e-mail addresses & passwords. For those of you for who it is too late already. please keep on reading.

Also, never use the same password for your "Guild Wars 2 E-Mail Address" as you use for your Guild Wars two Account. And one last factor, change your password at least once a week. This will also help quit your account from being hacked.

[My account has been hacked!
The rather first thing you need to do when your account has been hacked, is to login to your e-mail account (if you nonetheless can) & adjust the password. Subsequent, try to login to your Guild Wars 2 Account, & request a new password when the page says that your password is incorrect. In case you are lucky, you will get an e-mail with a link so you could alter your password.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Mandatory password change 'Guild Wars 2'

The players that you may be 'Guild Wars 2' you will be tired of looking at the relevant title Launcher ArenaNet's message "You may consider changing the pass of your own." For surely it is time for you to do, at least from next week.

All Guild Wars 2 gold players who have not changed your password since September 2012 should do in a few days, from February 7. According to comments made ​​ArenaNet post in the blog:

When changing the password, the system will not allow you to choose your old password or any password you've seen have been tested against any existing account or nonexistent. So, after changing the password, you can be sure that your new password is unique in Guild Wars 2. However, the password will remain only as long as they do not use it for other games and websites, so please, if you value the security of your account, use your password solely for Guild Wars 2.

Will introduce mandatory password change gradually, so you may not prompted change yours the same day, February 7. However, now is a good time to choose a new password and unique.

So you know, if you will not lose your characters and be exposed to not visit anymore Tyria, thinking id password.

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