When stepping into the Bell Choir, after speaking to Bell Maestro in Lions Arch, gw2 gold players are placed into groups of 3 for the upper, lower or middle parts. When the Bell Choir begins you are given 6 songs, with the songs little by little elevating in difficulty as you play. Should you hit too a large number of inaccurate notes you'll commence to lose well being and points (you start with 100 points) and will be kicked from play if your well being ultimately reaches zero. You can recover your health by hitting the proper notes or talking to the snowman after being removed from the stage.
There are 8 lanes in total that you'll be responsible for, with your skill bar split between each corresponding lane (1-4 and 6-9 on your keyboard). To start with I tried making use of just 1-four keys and employing my mouse on the others but its greatest to place both your hands over the appropriate keys. When the musical orbs start to move down your lane you will need to strike the note when it comes into contact with the inner blue circle. In case you hit the note too soon you will miss & lose wellness. Should you hit too late, it won't count & you will still lose health.
As mentioned previously, the starting notes will come down comparatively slowly & might be hit just however at later stages they move down amazingly fast giving you extremely little time to react. Depending on your final score will figure out how loads of Personlized Wintersday Gifts you get. Having the lowest points sees you receive 1 gift while high scores see you receive as lots of as 4. I'll freely admit that I found this whole mini game more challenging than the Halloween Clock Tower. I never was very excellent at Guitar Hero.
Become the Bells: Completing 10 songs in Bell Choir Ensemble - 10 points
Ring in the Season: Playing 500 appropriate notes in Bell Choir Ensemble - 10 points
Both achievements will contribute towards the Apprentice Toymaker achievement.
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