Thursday, November 22, 2012

Guild Wars 2: Patch notes for update of 20 November 2012

"Guild Wars 2" has now been upgraded with another update. Has to offer the update to show the German patch notes.

At regular intervals, the online role-playing game "Guild Wars 2" is enhanced with additional content. And even today, can the fans look forward to a fresh update. What is the latest patch has to offer from the House ArenaNet, show the official patch notes:

Update of 20 November:


The dynamic level increase for low level players in Lion's Arch and the southern lights-bay has been removed.
Fixed a bug which caused that some dealers do not Canachs folly appeared.
A bug was fixed that caused the bridge between the glass-blowing sources and the Mottled coast lacked.
Fixed a bug that resulted in some of the waypoints in the southern light-bay occasionally could not be used.
Fixed a bug which caused that appear invulnerable Karka an event were on the beach.
A Karka Champion added that guards the rich Orchalkiumvorkommen in Karka-building.
The NPC of the investigation commission in Lowenstein were removed.

An error was fixed that could cause an incorrect amount was paid in gems in paid tournaments.
The respawn time is now static in tournaments counted down for each gw2 gold player, instead of a group-wide Reswpawn wave.
Guild Wars 2 | MS
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