Thursday, November 15, 2012

Guild Wars 2: The Lost Coast - Release date announced

Is the second expansion pack to the MMORPG Guild Wars 2 is called The Lost Coast and according to developers ArenaNet on 16 November appear.

The publication will be marked with a unique, multi-phase event.

The update The Lost Coast is a mini-expansion, where buy guild wars 2 gold players can explore new areas and meet challenges. All of this will culminate in a huge event that will permanently mark Tyria.

The important features are:

• A mysterious explorable area, which is open to players of all levels
• A challenging new dungeon, which is to conquer it
• A new PvP map, which is housed in a dojo of the Kodan
• New equipment, ranging from additional weapon skins on improvements to object to another category of items between the degrees of "exotic" and "Legendary"
• Craft updates including new biodegradable resources and 200 new recipes
• A unique in-game event, the 16th of Friday until Monday, the 19th November takes place and the world will permanently shape of Tyria

Furthermore, its update, a "play as guest" in Guild Wars 2, so that players can explore Tyria with a friend on a different server with no Heimaltwelttransfer.

Schedule of events:
• Thursday 15 November, 18:00: Start of free gw2 gold game trial, update build is released
• Friday 16 November, 21:00: Start of the event "The Lost Coast"
• Sunday 18 November, 21:00: Start of the last event phase
• Monday 19 November, 07:00: end of the event and the free game trial

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