Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Guild Wars 2 sells makeovers, explains authenticator issue

If you haven't been completely satisfied with how you styled your Guild Wars 2 character to look but don't have the heart (or time) to reroll, ArenaNet has a solution... for a price. The studio added two options to the buy guild wars 2 gold game's cash shop that allow players to fiddle with their characters' visuals.

The new items are a self-style hair kit (which costs 250 gems but can be purchased in bulk) and a total makeover kit (this goes for 350 gems and also has a bulk purchase option). While the total makeover will allow for a change in height, hair, skin, and even gender, it does not include a name change.

ArenaNet also addressed an authenticator issue that arose when players noticed that the gw2 gold game stopped asking for the code. It turns out that the team switched to an updated version of the system that remembers computer locations verified by email and will not ask for an authenticator code from that place. Security Coordinator Mike Lewis reassured players that their game was still safe: "Please be aware that your accounts are still protected by the mobile authenticator at this time."

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Guild Wars 2 dev on Ascended gear backlash: “Our goal is not to create a gear treadmill”

ArenaNet, developers of the hit MMO Guild Wars 2, faced some flak recently for the announcement of Ascended Gear for the Lost Shores event. This made quite a few fans angry, and they made sure to complain about it on the developer’s forums. The main point of contention? That this a case of the MMO becoming a grind-heavy experience favouring the one with the best gear.

Studio Design Director Chris Whiteside disagreed. “Our goal is not to create a gear treadmill. Our goal is to ensure we have a proper progression for players from Exotic up to Legendary without a massive jump in reward between the two. We will not be adding a new tier of gear every 3 months that we expect everyone to chase after and then get the next set and so on.” He also stated that the gear would “be made available through all sorts of content around the world including existing content” through Player versus Enemy and World versus World combat.
The tiers themselves are interesting, as Legendary provides the same stats as Exotic gear but different appearances, while Ascended gear provides real upgrades.

Tags: gw2 gold,buy guild wars 2 gold

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Guild Wars 2: Patch notes for update of 20 November 2012

"Guild Wars 2" has now been upgraded with another update. Has to offer the update to show the German patch notes.

At regular intervals, the online role-playing game "Guild Wars 2" is enhanced with additional content. And even today, can the fans look forward to a fresh update. What is the latest patch has to offer from the House ArenaNet, show the official patch notes:

Update of 20 November:


The dynamic level increase for low level players in Lion's Arch and the southern lights-bay has been removed.
Fixed a bug which caused that some dealers do not Canachs folly appeared.
A bug was fixed that caused the bridge between the glass-blowing sources and the Mottled coast lacked.
Fixed a bug that resulted in some of the waypoints in the southern light-bay occasionally could not be used.
Fixed a bug which caused that appear invulnerable Karka an event were on the beach.
A Karka Champion added that guards the rich Orchalkiumvorkommen in Karka-building.
The NPC of the investigation commission in Lowenstein were removed.

An error was fixed that could cause an incorrect amount was paid in gems in paid tournaments.
The respawn time is now static in tournaments counted down for each gw2 gold player, instead of a group-wide Reswpawn wave.
Guild Wars 2 | MS
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Sunday, November 18, 2012

GW2: "Fractals of fog" guide and first look at "Fractal Weapons"

In a few hours it does, then in Guild Wars 2, the kick-off for the weekend event "The Lost Coast". In today's first stage of the event, the new dungeon "Fractals of fog" will open its doors. In this article, we present before you a guide to the dungeon and throw also a look at the new "Fractal Weapons".

Fractals of the fog - Dungeon Guide

How ArenaNet explained in the patch notes of the set played the night before November-updates, the new dungeon fractals of fog this evening will open at 21:30 German time clock its doors.

As we reported, the next dungeon is different from the previously already available in buy guild wars 2 gold game. It will consist of nine separate fractals be completed of which three in a row. Pro fractal about 15-30 minutes to complete.

In the next round, it is again, to complete three fractals. The difference: After each round, the difficulty increases by one point of difficulty. Gives an upper limit for the difficulty is not yet available.

Fractals in the fog still await further details. So it is in the individual fractals, unlike in the previous dungeons be no landmarks, but only invisible checkpoints. This means among other things that a defeated player remains in this state until it is either revived or the entire group and wiped at the checkpoint, which is closest, again einsteigt.

At the end of each successfully completed fractal you will find a chest that contains a variety of loot and 5 Fractal relicts, the special currency of the dungeons. You can spend your fractal inter alia relicts for merchant in fog traps Observatory, which has several items on offer. In addition, the fractal relicts recipes come from the mystical forge used.

Even more helpful information about the fog fractals you get in the dungeon guide for Guild Wars 2 Hub, where you can find all important information about the new dungeon, so go wrong during your first visit nothing can!

Look at "Fractal Weapons"
Also "Fractal Weapons", which are by exotic weapons, improve the transfer find their way into the gw2 gold game. Currently is not yet known how and where these will be available. It is possible that these are also obtained for Fractal relicts.

First pictures of the weapons already do the rounds! A small selection of different weapons you can find right after, you'll find more pictures in the official GW2 wiki.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Guild Wars 2: The Lost Coast - Release date announced

Is the second expansion pack to the MMORPG Guild Wars 2 is called The Lost Coast and according to developers ArenaNet on 16 November appear.

The publication will be marked with a unique, multi-phase event.

The update The Lost Coast is a mini-expansion, where buy guild wars 2 gold players can explore new areas and meet challenges. All of this will culminate in a huge event that will permanently mark Tyria.

The important features are:

• A mysterious explorable area, which is open to players of all levels
• A challenging new dungeon, which is to conquer it
• A new PvP map, which is housed in a dojo of the Kodan
• New equipment, ranging from additional weapon skins on improvements to object to another category of items between the degrees of "exotic" and "Legendary"
• Craft updates including new biodegradable resources and 200 new recipes
• A unique in-game event, the 16th of Friday until Monday, the 19th November takes place and the world will permanently shape of Tyria

Furthermore, its update, a "play as guest" in Guild Wars 2, so that players can explore Tyria with a friend on a different server with no Heimaltwelttransfer.

Schedule of events:
• Thursday 15 November, 18:00: Start of free gw2 gold game trial, update build is released
• Friday 16 November, 21:00: Start of the event "The Lost Coast"
• Sunday 18 November, 21:00: Start of the last event phase
• Monday 19 November, 07:00: end of the event and the free game trial

Monday, November 12, 2012

Guild Wars 2: ArenaNet tutorial video published to GW2

On 08/28/2012 2 Guild Wars celebrated its official release, and since then many enthusiastic fans. In a new tutorial video ArenaNet now put the most important features and characteristics of MMORPGs again an overview.

As summarized in the first video are the most important features of Guild Wars 2, including dynamic events, personal history and the active fight sequence. Emphasized here is that Guild Wars 2 is a social gw2 gold game and above all the other players are allies, not enemies. Discussed in this context inter alia the fair distribution of loot and experience, as well as the non-existent Ressourcenklau.

Then, dynamic events, the personal character of the story and struggles are presented in detail, including the cross-class combos are subject. The whole video you can watch directly after you!

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Guild Wars 2 diary: Dungeons of dragons

With my Sylvari Mesmer finally at level 30, it was time to begin exploring the Guild Wars 2 dungeon scene. A level 30 dungeon known as the Ascalonian Catacombs was located in the middle of the Plains of Ashford, home of the Charr race. Getting together with my experienced guide, a level 35 Human Elementalist named Ziva no Najwa, we threw out an open call for a party of five to begin what would undoubtedly be an arduous quest.

A helpful Charr named Rogg Ironlight, a Norn named Sabnir Stonepaw, and a human named Kookielea soon joined our ragtag group and we walked through the front gate. The Ascalonian Catacombs were filled with restless spirits of Ascalonian soldiers that were killed by the Charr. Rytlock Brimstone, the Story Mode's Charr representative, would act as our NPC guide and provide backstory in various areas.

The dungeon started off with a rallying point and a designated armor-repair area, for when our armor inevitably endured wear and tear. The first thing I noticed was that the enemies were tough as nails, made more difficult by the fact that everyone was scaled down to level 30. Starting with the opening Gate Guardian, we all had to exercise teamwork to eliminate foes one at a time. We had to be careful not to wander recklessly, otherwise we would disturb multiple spirits and find ourselves overwhelmed. Each of the spirits represented one of the game's many professions, with Ascalonian Monks giving us the most trouble, thanks to their self-healing abilities.

After defeating an Ascalonian Lieutenant, I learned that dungeon raiding would not be a quick affair. A cutscene revealed the ghost of King Adelbern, the human king from the original Guild Wars. Adelbern had gone mad since the events of the first GW and vowed vengeance against Rytlock and our party. To draw out Adelbern, we had to take out all of his lieutenants in three separate boss fights.

Rogg Ironlight offered strategy against the first of these bosses, Master Nente. Nente needed to be attacked from a distance, but we also had to avoid his summoned pets and teleportation attacks. While some of our party fell throughout the fight, they could respawn at the dungeon entrance and rejoin the battle at any time. Nente was soon defeated, but our party would meet our end at the next boss fight.

The fallen lovers, Ralena and Vassar, proved incredibly difficult. Vassar's maelstrom would draw us closer to him, where he would make short work of anyone nearby. I tried to stay far away and attack with clones, but Ralena hit a lot harder than I did and dispatched me in two hits. Clones were of little help, as the lovers sliced through them like a hot knife through butter. Our strategy ultimately proved clumsy and uncoordinated, so when one of our party members dropped out, the rest of us quickly followed suit. The Ascalonian Catacombs would remain unconquered -- for now.

With my dungeon raid an utter failure, I decided to explore a different aspect of the Guild Wars 2 experience -- World vs. World. While Player vs. Player has always been a popular part of the original GW, World vs. World has become incredibly popular to the point that queues would last hours. To get an idea of what I was in for, I hit the Eternal Battlegrounds and Crystal Isle Borderlands, where I learned that the overall idea of WvW was to control territories.

Everyone was scaled to level 80, which should have theoretically put me on an even playing field with everyone. Unfortunately, lackluster weaponry and armor meant I was vulnerable to powerful attacks. I stuck to large groups and followed them around. We headed out to a contested battle zone, where we were met by opposing players (identified by their server name and the label "Invader") all rushing in, guns blazing. Battle proved intense and became more intense when NPC wildlife also decided to jump into the fray, indiscriminately attacking random gw2 gold players.

Although I died more easily here, I came out of WvW wondering why I didn't jump into this game mode sooner. Many aspects of the main Player vs. Environment game mode remained in place, like the exploration elements and the harvesting areas. Successful kills also rewarded far more XP here than in normal PvE play, making WvW an ideal grinding spot.

As much as I've enjoyed GW2, I realize that I've only scratched the surface of what Guild Wars 2 has to offer. I look forward to seeing what new experiences this buy guild wars 2 gold game has to offer in the future.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Guild Wars 2: Refer a Friend Free Trial is Coming

We want you to experience Guild Wars 2 and Lost Shores with your friends, so on Monday November 12, we will turn on Refer a Friend Free Trial. You will be able to invite up to 3 Friends to play Guild Wars 2 with you for free from November 15-18.
To do so, you need a Guild Wars 2 account in good standing that was created before 23:59 PST (7:59 GMT) on November 6.
We will give you more details once the program goes live, but start thinking about who you want to invite!
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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Leading GWI claims that in November will be a new world event Stash Dragon

Leading fansite Guild Wars Insider shared information available to it and guesses about the events of November "The Lost Coast" (The Lost Shores ") in Guild Wars 2. Readers are offered a map view of Tyria, showing the location of the" Sea of Sorrows "(Sea of ​​Sorrows), in which "something stirred."

Next journalist moving into speculation, claiming that during the November Event item in the gw2 gold game will be a new Elder Dragon (Elder Dragon). While he is known to us as Deep Sea Dragon. Claimed that it was his awakening ripped from their homes and race Krait Quaggan, move to the coast of Tyria.

P.S. Discussion of news comes in the topic "ArenaNet intriguing players world event The Lost Shores" our forums Guild Wars 2.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

GW2 Halloween: started fourth and final act

As announced today, fell in Guild Wars 2 by 17 clock of the start of the fourth and final act of this year's Halloween events! The Halloween Dungeon "ascent into madness" has closed its doors and the Mad King was sent in his place.

The power of the mad king was destroyed, and he is now forced to abide by the conditions of his ancient curse and Tyria only once a year, and that on Halloween to visit for fun. The last hours of Halloween events can now be so celebrated in safety!

Ends the event is tomorrow, Thursday, 01.11.2012, at 20 clock. Until then, stay a few hours to throw yourself into the two Halloween mini gw2 gold games rumble of the Grim Reaper and Mad Inquisition to try your luck at the clock tower of crazy king or earn through pumpkin carving to the title of "master carver".

Tassi also Magistra was very happy that so many have helped her in the search for the ghosts from the early days of the mad king. You have not found all 12 ghosts? Then till tomorrow evening there is time for that! Notes and solutions can be found in our Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt Guide Part 1 and Part 2 Guide