Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What's the most efficient Karma to gold conversion?

Hey everyone,

Is it possible to convert Karma into gold?  I know you can't do so directly, but presumably you can do so indirectly, such as buying mats/exotics from Karma vendors to sell on the TP or salvaging those exotics, or...  (Unless you're not allowed to salvage exotics bought with karma--haven't checked.)

If there are ways, which yields the best conversion to Guild Wars 2 gold?

Thanks for any tips.

The only way I know of is to buy the Orrian Jewelry Boxes (or whatever they're called) from vendors in orr.  They almost always drop little trash pieces that can be sold to the vendor.  It's not much, like 10c per piece, but it's something.

Karma items are soulbound and you can't salvage equipment bought with it. So I can't really think of any other ways.

Buy karma gear, throw it in the mystic forge, sell it on the TP or to the merchant. Keep in mind that accessories you make this way will mostly be soulbound on ACQUIRE  and sometimes you won't be able to even sell of them to the merchant (they will simply have no price).

So stick to simple stuff like buying 4 pieces of chest armour or gloves (the reason why I am bringing up gloves is because the Molesmasher's gloves seem to be among the cheapest karma gear you can throw in the MF).

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