Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The game at the end of Guild Wars 2, revisited

I are inclined to dislike the term "endgame" since I suspect most folks have scribbled out their own definition of the word and that any individual who dares to use it in reference to something outside of that definition is summarily dismissed and excommunicated. I'm never quite certain what it's I'm being excommunicated from, mind you, though there's definitely a feeling of being suddenly, inexplicably, apart. Alien. Other.

Anyway, I hope we can agree that endgame is what happens at the, well, end of the game -- after the game has been, in a lot of way, finished. We all know that this really is ludicrous, right? As lengthy as you are playing the game, the game is not ended, & expecting that it will change substantially sufficient to be classified in a new way is sort of silly. Although men and women persist in making use of the term, & they persist in differing over when, precisely, the endgame starts. Does it start when you've hit the gw2 gold game's level cap, if there is 1? How about when you've finished the game's storyline, if it has 1?

You might've realised that I'm type of endgame agnostic. Regardless, let's go ahead & speak about Guild Wars 2's.

If you are an extremely long-term & faithful reader of this column, you may bear in mind that we addressed this subject a lot of months before launch. Before the game was a substantial thing. Before, in simple terms, we were in the know. We are now in the know, & as I have hit 80 (twice!) & finished the principal storyline (once!), I suppose that what I'm doing is, if not endgame appropriate, at least incredibly endgame-like.

What you do in the endgame zone depends on what you need from the game. That might sound silly, however the moment I say, "Well, you need to start doing this thing over here," I just know that a person is going to share "Although I don't need that; I want to do this other thing!" You know what? You do whatever factor makes you content.

Let's say shiny gear makes you pleased. Well, then you'll possibly be going into the Fractals of the Mists quite a lot. Individuals have reached staggeringly, mind-blowingly, astoundingly high levels in the Fractals dungeon. I'm at, like, 5. Potentially six. The scenario is that I'm at 5 or six however I have been in 20 or 30 times thanks to the complete thing where you could only go in at the highest frequent level, and I'm genuinely poor at being picky about those kinds of items.

Happily for folks like me, a alter is a-comin'. ArenaNet's Isaiah Cartwright lately revealed 2 vast, astounding changes coming up. The very first is that the current problem of disconnected gw2 gold players being unable to rejoin the party (made all the worse by the high amount of disconnects from that dungeon) will have a workaround. The 2nd & possibly more astonishing adjust is that parties will have the ability to enter at the highest tier available to any 1 member of the party. If I were to enter with a lot of buddies who had, say, level 22 unlocked, we could enter in at that level. At the end of the round of fractals, everyone who was at or beneath that level would go up a tier.

But we weren't honestly talking about that, were we?

So you figure out what you need to do & you start doing items that assist you get there. I assume that if dungeons or replays or dynamic events or PvP are your factor, you have pretty much got the basic fundamentals handled. If your "endgame" is just "more of the same stuff you've been doing this complete time because that was basically kind of fun, you know?" then you're set. The endgame is before you, & I'll be darned if it ain't behind you, too.

There are a considerable amount of methods to get what you need. I'm going to go under the assumption that most folks' PvE endgame translates, although roughly, to "make an exorbitant volume of revenue &/or accrue an impossible quantity of other in-game resources and/or currencies." After that step there could or could not be a step where you spend it on stuff. I'm not here to judge.

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