Sunday, October 28, 2012

GW2: Halloween surprise - Act 3 starts on 28.10.2012 by 20 clock

Since a few days, it is known that with Act 3 of the highlight of this year's Halloween events in Guild Wars 2 is initiated and the go-ahead. For this Sunday, the 28.10.2012 will fall by 20 clock On this date ArenaNet has now once again explicitly and announced a Halloween surprise.

This Sunday at 20 clock will start at Guild Wars 2 Act 3 of Halloween events. How ArenaNet announced on the official website of the gw2 gold game, this will start at the lion statue in Lion's Arch and "started with a very special surprise." What is it this is, the developer has not betrayed.

In the official forum to game designer Anthony Ordon said in a post again in detail the reasons why ArenaNet's election has just fallen on that date. First and foremost, we have decided to act 3 precisely to assign up to this point, since this most players are simultaneously online. In addition, the act would thus start in the U.S. and in Europe on the same day.

Start the event in each time zone individually is the worst option. "What also happens in immediate live streams and about five minutes later, also on YouTube," says Ordon. By choosing the current start time everyone had the opportunity to experience the events in the game, without the rapid proliferation of video in advance to find out something.

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