Sunday, October 28, 2012

GW2: Halloween surprise - Act 3 starts on 28.10.2012 by 20 clock

Since a few days, it is known that with Act 3 of the highlight of this year's Halloween events in Guild Wars 2 is initiated and the go-ahead. For this Sunday, the 28.10.2012 will fall by 20 clock On this date ArenaNet has now once again explicitly and announced a Halloween surprise.

This Sunday at 20 clock will start at Guild Wars 2 Act 3 of Halloween events. How ArenaNet announced on the official website of the gw2 gold game, this will start at the lion statue in Lion's Arch and "started with a very special surprise." What is it this is, the developer has not betrayed.

In the official forum to game designer Anthony Ordon said in a post again in detail the reasons why ArenaNet's election has just fallen on that date. First and foremost, we have decided to act 3 precisely to assign up to this point, since this most players are simultaneously online. In addition, the act would thus start in the U.S. and in Europe on the same day.

Start the event in each time zone individually is the worst option. "What also happens in immediate live streams and about five minutes later, also on YouTube," says Ordon. By choosing the current start time everyone had the opportunity to experience the events in the game, without the rapid proliferation of video in advance to find out something.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Guild Wars 2: Qualifying Points and other changes in sPvP

Latest Guild Wars 2 is all about Halloween. However, the structured PvP ArenaNet has not forgotten! In a new post Jonathan Sharp was yesterday, Tuesday proposes a number of new features for the sPvP, which are addressed in addition to the previously announced paid tournaments and the self-generated arenas.

Sharp announced in early October with the paid tournaments and the self-generated arenas to two new features for the sPvP of Guild Wars 2. The tournaments were originally paid chat with yesterday's Halloween Update entry into the buy Guild Wars 2 gold game, in the patch notes but now ArenaNet stated that this will be "available soon".

Qualifying Points paid in tournaments
In his new post of system designers now put before a new feature for the sPvP: Qualifying Points (QP). This Qualification Points can be earned in paid tournaments. "Each member of a winning team in a tournament with 8 teams gets paid like one qualifying point," says Sharp.

The QP would be reflected in the rankings for larger-scale tournaments, which meant that they could compete with other gw2 gold players. The points it may be, to which one would truly compete in the paid tournaments. The plan is to add more features around the points that Sharp wants to dwell in a further update.

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Suggestion for Cooking Bag

As you are no doubt aware, bags exist for many of the crafting/gathering professions (i.e. enchanting, mining, etc.) but not for cooking. Currently on my character, I have a 26 slot Illusionary Bag full of meat, vegetables, fish, and other cooking ingredients, as well as 8 stacks of meat and other cooking apparatus stored in my bank. All told, at least 34 slots of storage space are devoted completely to cooking supplies. I find it extremely inconvenient, and therefore detrimental to my profession experience in WoW, that no cooking bag exists that would provide me with the convenience and storage space other professions enjoy. I would greatly appreciate it if you would give this idea consideration and (hopefully) implement a cooking bag in wow gold game.

And yes, since cooking has seen some pretty nice upgrades, i think its time we move this profession into a more prominent light. Organizing all the professions can be a little hectic without bags, mods, ect.

I also would like a bag because I swap them in/out of bank slots when I decide I'm going to advance Profession X.

Edit: Tailoring could use the love.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

WoW Patch 01.05: The Fight Guild - the new solo PvE challenges

Patch 5.1 for World of Warcraft, among other things, the so-called struggle Guild brings to Azeroth. WoW players can put here in arena battles various NPC gladiators. We summarize what is known about the feature.

The battle Guild is one of the great innovations of WoW Patch 5.1. In Stormwind and Orgrimmar in WoW gold players can play against NPC gladiators - and watch the other players during their fights. Important thing is for guild battle is for current information only characters at level 90. Unfortunately, the test server is currently conducting several problems with the character copy and playing even for many players hardly usable. We could also look at the contents of patch 5.1 has not even view detail. We therefore summarize what is known about the battle Guild.

For the guild battle in Stormwind and Orgrimmar new places were created. Alliance players will find the underground fights in a new area in the deep web. Horde players engage contrast to the Valley of Honor. The key: The arena itself is not instantiated. There will always be able to take place just a fight for time - and you can also watch other wow gold players during their fights. The whole thing is reminiscent of the Shartuul mini-game from The Burning Crusade.

Who wants to prove his skills, logs in the surrounding NPCs in for a battle. It will then automatically teleported into the arena, once you turn. The NPC also provide information on the position in the queue. In the fighting itself is then apparently occurs at each against NPC opponents. The matches start easily, but will become increasingly difficult. PTR Tester Skarest (see video), for example, had to defeat the dangerous penguin Dippy. Once Dippy is in melee range and lands a hit, it usually means certain death. Apparently the opponents sometimes require quite so Taktiktüftelei and how to deal with certain skills.

But what is there for the fights? In the areas are Quartermaster. What they have to offer seems not yet to be known. Maybe you have to access to the quartermaster will also be earned by adequate benefits - because you work your way step by step into the ranks of the guild battle. After each battle, there is also a little gold. Below you can view some of the videos you Skarest to get a first impression of the guild battle. Once we even have the opportunity to look into the content of patch 5.1 on the PTR, we will of course publish its own video and a more detailed preview.